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Last week we had a visit from our brother Pastor Claudinia Vicent Vicent with his son. They spent the past week visiting Bosnia and Herzegovina, serving in our community and helping us in our daily activities.
They came from Brazil, from the city of Sao Paolo, and they left positive impressions about the work of our community.
Whatsapp: +38766900740
Those who want to support us, or ministries from the US can send their checks out to: Global Operations and Development
PNC Bank
Routing number 083000108.
account number 3015447546
Bank account in Belgium:
Walter Goncalves - Belfius Banque BE97 063968109949
Code BIC / Swift: GKCCBEBB. Code IBAN BE97-0639-6810-9949
Bank account in Bosnia and Herzegovina
Walter Goncalves
Account number: 045500027-3 Raiffeisen bank dd Bosnia and Herzegovina
Swift RZBABA2S IBAN Code BA391610455000027318
FIlijala Zenica, Mehmedalije Tarabara 15, 72000 Zenica, Bosnia and Herzegovina

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